The Importance Of Having A Positive Attitude

A calculated aimlessness. A conceptual and structuralist experiment. Event-oriented investigations of language, chocolate cereal, narrative, and the nature of still life, landscape and figure-ground relationships in motion pictures.

Having A Positive Attitude In The Latter Years Of Life / Video. Eight Faces of Age (1979) / Stewart Cheifet. This one-hour television documentary looks at eight senior citizens who are taking a positive attitude toward dealing with the later years of life. They show that the older years, while challenging, can still be rewarding and exciting. Producer: Stewart Cheifet; Production Company: KCSM TV; Contact Information: Stewart Cheifet; Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.

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13 Responses to The Importance Of Having A Positive Attitude

  1. TheJDgh0st says:

    um….. what did i just watch??

  2. eternalblackproject1 says:

    This Video and it’s creator are amazing!!! weather you’re into this stuff or not , it was well put together and fun to watch and learn from, this video here, I’m listing as a favorite and sharing with my subs..So CutE!!! another one I liked was, (FBI-CIA ALERT, illuminatti ILLUMINATTI 1-3)

  3. Tirmizee says:

    Thnx for sharing such type of helpful stuffs..

  4. veerohl says:

    i like puppets 😛

  5. Bill Lancaster says:

    Want to know about the kingdom of God that's INSIDE OF YOU, and how God is going to save all people? Do a youtube search using the words "billlancaster".

  6. Ray OfMinneapolis says:


  7. yan kumar says:

    thanks for sharing rosaryfilms

  8. Sailesh Mishra says:

    Just Excellent , it breaks 'those' myths of aging

  9. rosaryfilms says:

    mammal46, thank you for your comments!

  10. Sandy Louise Hickman-Holliday says:

    All CNAs & Nurses who work in skilled nursing facilities should watch this video. This is a great video dealing with gerintology. Really enjoyed it thank you.

  11. JPPT1974 says:

    It's hard to have a positive attitude in this day and age.

  12. MapleJunkie says:

    i dont wanna grow up :[

  13. ECTBWHO says:

    Always helpful…

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