The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


Super Healing Secrets Using Mindset and Emotions in Internet Marketing

Hi, Lorraine Menza here, and in this video/blog I am going to talk about the super healing secrets using mindset and emotions in internet marketing. I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Elaine Ferguson on PBS the other day. She wrote a book called Super Healing Secrets.

Basically, she addressed that your emotional health has 7 X the ability to increase or decrease chronic diseases. Are you constantly angry, fearful, anxiety, upset, or just a negative person? We have the power to change our lives; not just in a healthy way, but also in a positive way!

Emotional toxins can be immediately interrupted by laughter and deep breathing! Motion can interrupt emotional toxins! For deep breathing, put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, and start deep breathing. You should only feel the abdomen moving with your hand. Practice deep breathing for two days until it becomes a habit!

Dr. Elaine Ferguson says that the way you eat, think, and feel can restore diseased cells! You can change genes and how they express themselves! Pretty powerful stuff! I am going to further this by talking about emotions!

How do you control your emotions? Do you have a daily habit of working on your emotions? Do you hang around with positive people? Do you read positive personal development books…….like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Joel Olsteen? Do you read positive business books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the Four Hour Work Week? Do you say positive affirmations and believe them as you say them? Do you act like your outcome already exists? Do you spend time in gratitude daily? Do you meditate?

Working on your mindset daily is so powerful that it changes those emotional toxins. According to Dr. Elaine Ferguson “Positive Emotion are nutrients and health giving chemicals that allow ourselves to function with ease.” That is why working on your daily mindset is very powerful!

Daily mindset leads to optimism. Optimists are healthier and if they get sick they recover faster! So all you internet marketers, are you ready to change your mindset and work on it daily? There are many benefits to do this and one of them is your health!

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5 Responses to The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17

  1. Stephane Lacroix TV says:

    This is so fascinating Lorraine, I've been a big believer for long time that mindset and emotions are very powerful. What a great way to build our health…Meditation is awesome too. I meditate almost everyday and I feel a difference when I miss a day.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Showleh Tolbert says:

    Great information Lorraine, thank you for sharing.

  3. Peter Reginald says:

    Hey Lorraine I totally agree with the relationship between emotion and motion.

  4. James G Rivera says:

    Positive emotions are so important for sure!

  5. Cathy Fraser says:

    Really important to have our emotions in check. (attitudes).. Great stuff Lorraine!

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