To Get Your Ex Back – The Power of Positive Thinking

Yes it is difficult to cope with such times. You have been dumped for reasons you do not know or ‘think’ you know. Nevertheless, nothing can stop you from feeling miserable and disillusioned about this thing they call ‘love’. The only thought that recurs in your mind is how to get your ex back. But did it ever occur to you that changing your mindset and attitude might help to get your ex back? Here is how it works:

– The first step to change your mindset is to stop thinking that chasing your ex would help, as this is the only way to show them that you care. Unfortunately it does not work this way. The more you call, the more you text and the more you send mails, the more desperate and pathetic you appear. Instead of triggering to get back to you, you’re ex moves away from an otherwise weak and pitiable human being. No way can this mindset help to get your ex back.

– In stead spend your waking hours in being busy with work, hobby, people, etc. Structure your thought process and try to think more calmly and rationally. Remember there is nothing as attractive as being a completely positive and optimistic person. Once you are close to get your ex back, this change in mindset and attitude is going to keep him/her forever with you.

– All that is pent up in your mind – get them out. Sit in front of the computer and open a file called ‘Notes to myself’. Jot down whatever you remember of the affair with your ex. Include all the positive things as well as the negative events like your first fight, etc. The most important thing to jot down is the things which you never told your ex – your deep innermost feelings, fears and concerns. You have no idea the immense therapeutic value this type of verbal regurgitation has on the mind. Revisit the file and update it time and again with new inputs that appear on your mind. To get your ex back, this is a kind of mental cleansing, which can go a long way in making you a far more positive person.

– Delete all the negative aspects which you associate with your ex. If a particular pub reminds you of your ex, a wonderful way of forgetting your ex is to visit the place with someone else! Remain cool and try to enjoy other people’s company. The problem when we love someone deeply is that we forget to love everyone else. To get your ex back, be available all the time not only to your ex, but also to other people. You do not have to be mentally involved with someone to go out for a dance or to watch a movie.

– Perfect what you are good at and improve on your shortcomings. Take cue from what your ex used to mention. If your ex thought that you had a wonderful voice for singing, why not cultivate this talent and join a music class? If your ex thought that you were a bad cook, why not try to improve this skill, which can stand in good stead in life later? Remember, to get your ex back, you do not have to give up everything and spend the rest of our life in grief and remorse. While you are waiting with open arms to get your ex back, you could use the time in taking good care of yourself.

– The best thing that happens when you become such an improved and positive person is that people notice you and gradually get attracted to you. The more people get attracted to you and are seen in your company, the better are your chances to get your ex back. You are in a very positive way showing your ex that he or she missed the boat. And soon enough they come running back to your arms.

Why is getting your ex back so important to you? Because a good relationship is one of the most treasured of human interactions. We all want to be loved. There are the great times together, the shared dreams and visions, the mutual likes and dislikes and more. Great relationships are essential for enjoying a good quality of life. They color everything else around us.

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