True Life Success Secrets: Banish The Failure Mindset

I’ve been in the failure mindset most of my life. I struggled to think that I deserved anything more than I already had in life. I struggled to think I deserved more than my parents had.

When I was overweight I was depressed and felt ashamed of the way I looked. I decided that I was going to lose weight. I tried to diet and tried to exercise, and the weight just seemed to be resistant to anything I tried. It seemed like I was failing at losing weight and why try. So, I would go back to the same lifestyle.

When I had financial struggles I was depressed because it seemed we never had enough. I decided that I was going to find a way to bring our finances up to the level that would make us comfortable. And because I didn’t believe I could do it I failed for years.

What changed? I change my mindset. Once I believed that losing weight was going to happen it happened. I started riding bikes and taking walks with my family and I stopped eating the sweets. I had sweets once a day in moderation. I didn’t cut it out totally.

But the point is this is what I had done before. It hadn’t worked the times before when I tried, but this time my mindset was of achieving my goals. I released the failure mindset and decided I was worth it and it was going to happen and it did.

Our financial situation has changed as well. While I used to work harder and longer hours, it didn’t ever seem to get better. But once I decided that financial freedom was what I deserved and what I was going to get everything seemed to fall into place for it to manifest in my life.

A big misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction today is most people imply that if you think about something and believe it is coming that it will just appear in your life. And while that is partly true, it’s not the total truth. The secret to manifesting what you want in your life is the part that was left out.

While you must first believe that you can achieve what you set out to do, you must take action along with that mindset. Nothing falls into your lap.

Without the correct mindset and the correct action nothing is going to happen. You must employ both together to get the results that you desire.

Decide that today is the day to banish the failure mindset. Discover the difference you’ll make in your own life and the things that you are capable of accomplishing that taking action and changing your mindset can make.

Tammy Matthews, the author of A Change of Pace invites you to discover the lasting changes you can make in your life by understanding what a difference a change of mindset can make in attaining what you want in life. Click the link below to claim your Free Report on Living The Life Of Your Dreams.. =>

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